1134 Budapest, Váci út 51/b.
Tel: (+36 1) 320-8338 Fax: (+36 1) 340-8072
Webpage: www.hexium.hu Email: mail.antivir@hexium.hu
HEXIUM HI-232-485A
RS232-RS422/485 converter
The HEXIUMHI-232-485A converter converts RS232 signals to RS422/485 standard signals, and back.
With the help of the HI-232-485A converter RS232 serialport devices can be connected to an RS422/485 bus.
In the RS422 mode the HI-232-485A converter makes communication possible through distances that are impossible to bridge over with an RS232 serialport. In this case the two face to face connected converters in RS422 mode are able to bridge over long, even more than kilometers distances.
The HI-232-485A converter in RS485 mode is able to swith transmit/receive directions automatically and driven by the RTS signal too.